Hey there!
My name is Jan, but it's more likely to find me by my nickname: Galile0. I'm living in germany where I work full time as a pentester in the embedded security field. Since my job is more about finding bugs, and not so much exploiting them, I use my freetime to fill exactly this gap. Most of my freetime goes towards participating in CTFs, tearing down some old hardware, or just read some tech blog. In recent time I have spent some time researching side-channel and glitching attacks, so keep an eye out for one or another articles on that topic.
In general tho, this blog is more about offensive security topics I find to be interesting. For example some of my ctf solutions, since many of them may be more creative and might help you to find new ways to go about ctf or pentest related challenges.
I hope you enjoy reading some articles and can learn a ting or two.
If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter or shoot me a mail at: galile0.pwning [at] gmail [dot] com
Cheers and happy hacking!